You likely do not remember me but interacting with you was my first glimpse into the patriarchal world of a man power-stomping around, demanding that people respect him.
I was seventeen years old, living with my best friend because my mom beating me finally went too far and I moved out.
I was a straight A student, working two jobs, a member of several clubs at the school.
On Good Friday, I remember being called into your office, confused.
When I entered the room you scolded me because my mother did not live in that county. You spoke to me as if I was attempting to scam the education system, like I had been caught.
After about five minutes in your office, I burst into tears.
I distinctly remember that you never asked me a single question about me or my circumstances. At the end of this meeting you informed me that I was not to return to the school on the following Monday.
This is not the only story I have of you failing the students you were charged to serve.
In that moment you could have been a support to a young child in crisis, but instead, you contributed to the feeling that there were no adults I could turn to for support.
Men like you need to be held accountable for the harm that you cause. STOP LETTING EGOTISTICAL MEN HAVE POWER.
p.s. viva la feminine!
