You traumatized me… for life. I have just recently faced something that I buried for so long. I’ve buried it for 30 years, but I still lived it constantly. What you did, when you knew I was watching was disturbing, and… evil. I have tried so hard to not see you as a person who could do some thing like that for far too long. And at the end of the day, I question why I still allow you to be in my life. These past 2 months, I have wanted to shut you out completely. Because when I think of the person you are, I see someone filled with hate and toxicity, and again, evil. Sometimes I wish you would just disappear. I am trying to decide if I should forgive all the bad that you have done, or remove you from my life forever. I am leaning towards never speaking to you again. But I have more work to do before I decide. I am glad that I am finally facing this after so so long. I hope that I find my answer sooner rather than later. I want to release this so badly. I know that I will figure it out. I know I will find peace. Because I am ready to face this and speak the fuck up!
- Anonymous
