When I was 21 you took me on as “assistant” at your law practice. Even though I was a third-year graphic design student with no interest in law whatsoever. You had an office full of hopeful, legal clerks and interns, yet I was the one who you took everywhere and they hated me. They thought/you let them think we were sleeping together. I didn’t even realize the position you put me in. I was young and naïve, and you took advantage of that. While you never hit on me in any way, you still used me. You set me up to make you look powerful, virile, whatever. And you let the rest of your team and other lawyers think the worst of me, so that they would admire you. That doesn’t make you a big man. It makes you small and insecure. It’s been over 30 years since then, so I hope someone has since called you on your bullshit and you’ve grown up. But I doubt it. I’m grateful for the “work” you gave me when I needed it. But I wish I had been aware enough at the time to not sell myself out.
